An Extended Delay
For those of you who have been following the news, a series of unfortunate events has occurred here in Okinawa that have become a significant detriment to my project. Two weeks ago, a US Marine allegedly raped a 14 year-old middle school girl. One week ago, a US Marine while in drunken stupor allegedly broke into the home of a Nago resident and passed out on her couch. That same weekend, another US Marine was stopped by authorities for allegedly driving under the influence. The culmination of these events and the political backlash (criticism from Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda) compelled the highest ranking military commander on-island, Okinawa Area Coordinator Lieutenant General (Lt Gen) Richard Zilmer, to restrict all status of forces agreement (SOFA) personnel to military facilities - all those who reside off-post are restricted to their off-post residences. The intent of this restriction is to limit US military contact with the local Okinawan populace. This restriction, euphamistically referred to as a "Period of Reflection", is indefinite. In 1995, following the gang-rape of a 12 year-old girl by three US servicemen, a similar restriction stood for 6 months.
As a person with SOFA status, this means that I cannot leave base except to go directly home, and that I cannot leave home except to directly go to a military base. This bodes ill for a project that requires obvious travel to off-base facilities. With 6 months as the baseline for a restriction of this kind, I cannot help but feel pessimistic. Thus, there will be an extended delay on any research that is accomplished outside of document translation. I apologize to any regular visitors pining for updates on anything I have found. As infrequent as updates have been due to my hectic work schedule, they will probably become more artificially infrequent due to this recent restriction on my movement.
As I keep my fingers crossed that this limitation is short term (measured in weeks as opposed to months), I express sorrow and sympathy for those locals who have been victimized and solidarity with my fellow sailors, soldiers, marines, and airmen as we wait out this "grounding." We are truly blessed and fortunate to live on this beautiful island hosted by a long-time, staunch, forgiving, and strategically significant ally. Let us hope the ignorant actions of the few does not permanently damn the many.
As a person with SOFA status, this means that I cannot leave base except to go directly home, and that I cannot leave home except to directly go to a military base. This bodes ill for a project that requires obvious travel to off-base facilities. With 6 months as the baseline for a restriction of this kind, I cannot help but feel pessimistic. Thus, there will be an extended delay on any research that is accomplished outside of document translation. I apologize to any regular visitors pining for updates on anything I have found. As infrequent as updates have been due to my hectic work schedule, they will probably become more artificially infrequent due to this recent restriction on my movement.
As I keep my fingers crossed that this limitation is short term (measured in weeks as opposed to months), I express sorrow and sympathy for those locals who have been victimized and solidarity with my fellow sailors, soldiers, marines, and airmen as we wait out this "grounding." We are truly blessed and fortunate to live on this beautiful island hosted by a long-time, staunch, forgiving, and strategically significant ally. Let us hope the ignorant actions of the few does not permanently damn the many.
That is a shame that the idiotic few have to spoil things for the rest of you. Hopefully it won't last too long.
Hi, this is Alex, I used to be part of, username P.A.L , I am happy that you finally ended up where you wanted to be. looking forward to read your articles,
I just watch some videos of Chibana sensei.
1- He re-grips his hand which i love to do and my teachers have never liked it
2- in Matsumura Passai, when he drops to shiko dachi and high block, the next 2 steps he takes after, in nekuashi dachi is different, It is same as White Crane steping , not a regular shorin ryu steping, i feel he brings his knee higher then he plants it where it is supposed to be.
take care
Hello, Alex. I am glad to see you've taken an interest in my project. I see you've watched footage of Chibana Sensei (the 1968 footage shot by Mr. Clarence Lee no doubt?). You've noticed correctly that Chibana regrips before he executes each technique; I have been taught that it is to ensure a taut fist so that your muscles and joints don't "cushion" the blow which is essentially happens when you punch with a loose fist. This process also has the added effect of properly aligning your knuckles, wrist, and forearm (at least I've noticed this effect when I do it). I will have to disagree with you about your analysis of the stepping that comes in the sequence you describe. Chibana Sensei does nothing different in that stepping than he does in any other stepping. He opens the stance to allow for osae and then presses throughout his movement. In my experiments with White Crane, I have discovered that there is no osae in White Crane.
Great stuff!
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